Colorful handbags and shopping bags are on the road, attracting passers-by's eyes, realizing the loading function of items, with brand display effect. The cost standard of handbag printing is also different. According to the relevant parts of handbag printing materials and handbag, the printing service price of handbag will be greatly affected. What factors will affect the printing price of handbag?
1. 用于搬运袋子的材料
1. Materials used for carrying bags
The important factor that affects the printing price of handbag is the material selected for handbag, in addition to some ordinary nylon cloth, denim and so on. Some manufacturers can choose some special materials for their personalized needs, such as aluminum foil paper made of aluminum materials, printing materials for handbags, selection of handbag printing materials, printing difficulties are totally different, so it will have a greater impact on the price of handbag printing.

2. 手提包上的印花图案
2. Print on handbag
In fact, the pattern on the packaging bag, in addition to the ink-jet printer. It can also sew different types of printing materials through some automatic embroidery machines. In order to present a rich and diverse mode, some enterprises can composite components, and form a unique design by combining printing and embroidery with stickers. It will bring a great impact on the printing price of bags.
3. Size of handbag
The different size of handbag will directly affect the difficulty of printing and the quantity of materials used in handbag printing. Therefore, it will directly lead to price fluctuations. Generally speaking, the cost of making a standard size handbag is relatively low.
The handbag printing factory will choose the printing pattern, the selected technology, the size of the handbag and the comprehensive price according to the handbag material. If the enterprise does not have too many tips, it can choose to print some standard size handbags recommended in the new quotation, and use the common printing methods to print the corresponding brand handbags.
济南印刷厂讲解的内容 更多的内容 请咨询公司官网http://www.xinfengyinshua.cn/上一条:济南手提袋印刷基本知识
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