Handbags are also known as hand bags, handbags and so on. It can be used to hold things, and is a convenient container for users, because it can usually be carried by hand, so it is named. Production materials for kraft paper, white cardboard, coated paper, non-woven fabrics. More common, the use of more paper composite bags and non-woven bags, widely used in exhibitions, a variety of markets. They have strong liquidity and can better convey information to customers.
The characteristics of handbags are mainly reflected in five aspects
They are the design of bag printing, the printing method of bag printing, the post printing processing technology of bag printing, the material of bag printing and the product form of bag printing.
Use of handbag: from packaging to printing to use, it not only provides convenience for shoppers, but also takes this opportunity to promote products or brands again.
A well-designed handbag will make people like it. Even if the handbag is printed with conspicuous trademarks or advertisements, customers will still be happy to reuse them. This kind of handbag has become one of the more effective and cheaper advertising media.
The design of the bag is usually required to be simple and generous. In the design and printing process of handbags, the front is usually based on the company logo and company name, or the company's business philosophy is added, and the design should not be too complicated, so as to deepen the impression of consumers on the company or products, with good publicity effect.
Bag printing has a great influence on expanding sales, establishing famous brands, stimulating purchase desire and enhancing competitiveness. As the premise of handbag design and printing strategy, the establishment of corporate image is more important than ignoring. As the basis of design composition, it is very important to master formal psychology. From the perspective of visual psychology, people abandon the monotonous and unified form and pursue diversification. Bag printing needs to reflect the unique characteristics of the company.
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