The performance of the packaged product mainly includes the physical state, shape, strength, weight, structure, value and danger of the product, which should be considered first when printing the color box of product packaging.
1、 产品物态。主要有固态、液态、气态、混合等,不同的物态,其产品包装彩盒也不同。
1. Product state. There are mainly solid, liquid, gaseous, mixed and so on. The product packaging color boxes are also different in different physical states.
2、 产品外形。主要有方形、圆柱形、多角形、异形等,其产品包装彩盒要根据产品外形特点进行设计,要求产品包装彩盒体积小、固定良好、存放稳定、且符合标准化要求。
2. Product shape. It mainly includes square, cylindrical, polygonal, special-shaped, etc. the product packaging color box shall be designed according to the product appearance characteristics. It is required that the product packaging color box shall be small, well fixed, stable storage and meet the standardization requirements.
3、 产品强度。对于强度低、易受损伤的产品,要充分考虑包装的防护性能,在产品包装彩盒外面应有明显的标记4、 产品重量。对于重量大的产品,要特别注意产品包装彩盒的强度,确保在流通中不受损坏。
3. Product strength. For products with low strength and vulnerable to damage, the protective performance of packaging shall be fully considered, and there shall be obvious marks on the outside of the product packaging color box. 4. Product weight. For heavy products, pay special attention to the strength of the product packaging color box to ensure that it will not be damaged in circulation.

5. Product structure. Different products often have different structures, some are not pressure resistant, some are afraid of impact, etc. Only by fully understanding the product structure can we choose the appropriate product packaging color box for different products.
6、 产品价值。不同产品,价值差异很大,对价值高者应考虑。
6. Product value. The value of different products varies greatly, and those with high value should be considered.
7、 产品危险性。对易燃、易爆、有毒等具有危险性产品,要确保,在产品包装彩盒外面应有注意事项和特定标记。
7. Product hazard. For flammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous products, safety shall be ensured, and precautions and specific marks shall be provided on the outside of the product packaging color box.
2、 Impact of environment on products
In the process of circulation, products will encounter different environments, which will have different effects on product packaging color boxes, so corresponding measures should be taken.
1、 气象条件。主要有阳光、温度、湿度、雨雪和空气等,产品包装彩盒对不同产品的影响也不同,这都需要针对不同气象条件分别加以考虑。
1. Meteorological conditions. It mainly includes sunshine, temperature, humidity, rain, snow and air. The impact of product packaging color boxes on different products is also different, which needs to be considered separately according to different meteorological conditions.
2、 装卸条件。应考虑是人工装卸还是机械装卸,以及装卸次数等条件。
2. Loading and unloading conditions. Whether manual loading and unloading or mechanical loading and unloading, as well as loading and unloading times and other conditions shall be considered.
3、 运输条件。产品在运输过程中,会受冲击、振动等作用,且不同的运输工具,对产品包装彩盒的影响也不同。主要应考虑产品固定与缓冲。
3. Transportation conditions. During transportation, products will be affected by impact and vibration, and different means of transportation will have different effects on product packaging color boxes. Product fixation and cushioning shall be mainly considered.
4、 贮存条件。贮存多用堆码,产品包装彩盒应考察其耐压强度。另外,贮存还分室内贮存和室外贮存,前者要注意防潮、防霉、防水等;后者要注意防雨雪、防阳光、防风等。
4. Storage conditions. Multi purpose stacking shall be used for storage, and the compressive strength of product packaging color box shall be inspected. In addition, storage is also divided into indoor storage and outdoor storage. The former should pay attention to moisture-proof, mildew proof and waterproof; The latter should pay attention to rain and snow, sunshine and wind.
三、 包装方式的选择
3、 Selection of packaging methods
The choice of packaging mode is very important for product protection. Only by comprehensively understanding the product performance and circulation conditions, formulating several schemes and conducting economic evaluation can we find the appropriate packaging mode.
1、 选择产品包装彩盒材料。根据产品性能选择与之相适应的产品包装彩盒材料来制作产品包装彩盒,同时选择合适的附属产品包装彩盒材料来包装产品。
1. Select the color box material for product packaging. According to the product performance, select the appropriate product packaging color box materials to make the product packaging color box, and select the appropriate auxiliary product packaging color box materials to package the products.
2、 选择包装方法。根据对产品保护强度的要求,使用方便,便于机械装卸和运输等来选择适当的包装工艺和包装方法。
2. Select the packaging method. The appropriate packaging process and method shall be selected according to the requirements for product protection strength, convenient use, mechanical loading, unloading and transportation.
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