For consumers, the basic function of handbag should be firm and durable. But for businesses or printing plants, they will encounter various problems when printing handbags. Today, Jinan handbag manufacturer will tell you how to solve these problems!
For handbag printing, since ink is a pure water-based system, do not mix ink with alcohol ink and solvent based ink or add organic solvent to the ink to avoid printing quality problems.
Ink should be stored indoors at 5 ℃ - 50 ℃.
When using, stir the ink in the bucket with a stirring rod, measure its viscosity and pour it into the ink tank. If the viscosity is too high or too low, add thinner or thickener for conditioning.
Due to the evaporation effect of water during printing, the viscosity of ink will increase and the PH value will decrease. The PH value should be controlled between 8.5 and 9.5. If it exceeds this range, it can be conditioned with PH stabilizer to maintain the stability of viscosity and PH value.

Generally, ink wash is suitable for high speed printing of handbag printing. If the drying speed is too fast or the printing effect is poor during low speed printing, a certain proportion of slow drying agent can be added.
After printing, the remaining ink should be collected back into the corresponding original barrel or the cover of the ink tank should be tightly covered for the next use, to avoid the thickening or even drying of the conjunctiva on the ink surface due to the evaporation of water.
The printability of ink is affected by the surface characteristics of the substrate, ambient temperature and humidity; Due to the influence of objective conditions such as the storage time of ink, when using ink, it is necessary to use some additives to make minor adjustments to the ink in order to obtain a good printing effect.
In addition, the ink left on the printing setup after the handbag is printed can be washed with clean water before it is completely dry, and the ink that cannot be washed with clean water can be washed with detergent. Follow us http://www.xinfengyinshua.cn , learn more about it!
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