With the development of digital technology, the production of optical photos has turned to the production of digital photos. Using laser or LED imaging technology and components, the continuously adjusted photo images are "written" into the photosensitive materials, and then developed using traditional chemical programming. Especially in recent years, it has developed rapidly and gradually penetrated into the field of traditional printing.
With the expansion of large format printing market, the use scale of large format printing is also significantly expanded. In addition to posters, advertisements and signboards, at present, large-scale printing plants also produce large-scale digital proofing, containers, trade exhibitions, retail banners, drama and film posters and screens, and even print profound artistic brush.

At present, the printing ink and inkjet head of photo album have been greatly developed.
As a new printing solution, digital printing has developed rapidly, and has penetrated into all fields of traditional printing, especially large format ink-jet printing. In recent years, it has developed rapidly, attracted the attention of manufacturers and favored by users. The market is broad and the development prospect is broad. Since superjet and CORjet use a new generation of nozzles and environmentally friendly water-based inks, they have attracted much attention as soon as they enter the market. The new generation of water-based ink solves the problems of waterproof and UV resistance, and has the advantages of bright color, no corrosion and no pollution.
It overcomes the problem that large-scale inkjet printer products can not enter the room, and will become the mainstream of inkjet printer ink. At present, there are three main types of ink-jet printing: thermal spraying, which heats the liquid ink and sprays it onto the substrate through dense nozzles; piezoelectric method, which releases oily solid ink by electric pulse (rather than heating); phase change method, in which the printer melts the filled wax pigment and sprays it onto the printing material.
The development of large format inkjet printing technology is focused on large format inkjet printing technology, so the growth of inkjet head determines the development of large format inkjet printing. With the development of new year's inkjet printing machine, the production cost becomes lower and lower. More and more high-quality products adopt this new technology.
Three large format inkjet printing is a compilation of picture book printing. Compared with traditional screen printing, it has many advantages. But ink is not easy to be polluted by ultraviolet rays, and is not easy to be polluted by traditional ink. However, the basic investment in digital photography and photography technology is very high, more than 250000 US dollars. In contrast, the basic investment of inkjet technology is only 10%. This new imaging system gives new life to photography and printing industry, because printing is much cheaper than inkjet printing. The inkjet printing system is flexible and can print on different types of substrate materials. There are many ways to use the same machine. However, photos can only be used on paper or in the light box of indoor backlight.
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